In the quiet town of Maplewood, a tiny pup named Benny lived with his kind owner, Mrs. Harper. Benny was a curious little dog with floppy ears that seemed to have a mind of their own, always twitching at the slightest sound.
One sunny morning, Benny noticed the front gate slightly ajar. His tail wagged with excitement—this was his chance for a grand adventure! With a quick glance back at the house, Benny trotted out into the world beyond his usual backyard.
The streets were bustling with sights and smells Benny had never known. He sniffed blooming flowers, barked at passing bicycles, and even made friends with a friendly squirrel who chattered from a tree. But soon, the excitement began to fade as Benny realized he didn’t know how to get home.
The big, wide world suddenly felt enormous and a little scary. Benny’s ears drooped, and his small paws slowed. Just as he was about to sit and cry, a familiar voice called out.
“Benny! Benny, where are you?”
It was Mrs. Harper, running down the street with worry in her eyes. Benny barked and ran toward her, his tail wagging furiously. Mrs. Harper scooped him up and held him tight. “Oh, Benny, you little explorer! Don’t ever scare me like that again.”