Why Won’t You Love Me? Just Because I Look Different?

I may not be the prettiest pup around, but that doesn’t mean I don’t have a heart full of love to give. I hear the whispers and see the sideways glances, and it hurts more than you might think. I didn’t choose to look this way—just like you didn’t choose the way you look. But does that mean I don’t deserve the same kind of love and attention as those other, more ‘perfect’ dogs?

Every day, I hope someone will see beyond my fur and my face. I might have a few extra wrinkles, a crooked smile, or fur that’s not as fluffy as others, but I’ve got something even better: a heart that’s ready to love unconditionally. I dream of the day when someone will look at me and see more than just my appearance. They’ll see a loyal friend, a comforting presence, and a soul that just wants to be loved.

It’s lonely being the dog no one wants to pet, the one everyone looks past. But I still have hope. I believe that someday, someone will come along who sees me for who I am and not just how I look. Until then, I’ll keep wagging my tail, keep smiling my crooked smile, and keep waiting for my forever friend. Because I know, deep down, that love doesn’t care about looks—it cares about what’s inside. And inside, I’m just like every other dog out there: full of love, joy, and a little bit of mischief.

By daily

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